
Manchester Road Race

Race: Manchester Road Race

Date: November 26, 2015

Location: Manchester, CT

Official Time: 38:54

Official Lap: 8:12

Place: 2160 / 12421

Race Stats

Speed:  ★ ★ .5 (slow start, but not bad if you are seeded)

Hills:  ★   (the first 2 miles are no joke!)

Crowd:  ★ ★ ★  (doesn't get any more popular than this!)

Party:   ★ ★  (the whole race is a party)

T-Shirt:  ★ ★ ★  (this year's blue tee was very nice)

     I just love this Thanksgiving tradition! Really, there is just nothing like waking up a little early on Thanksgiving morning, and getting together with 15,000 runners, and making a go at a great race course. The event brings out the whole town, and the tradition is to show up with some crazy costumes! Check out my web-page dedicated to this year's run.

     I was pretty excited to get an under 40 minute seed card for the race this year. Even when I was walking around taking some photos of the race course, and meeting up with some friends, I was getting a little nervous about my seeding. I was pretty sure that I would come close to 40 minutes, but I didn't think that I would be under. Along with the Hartford Half Marathon, this race is sort of my barometer for my running all year - so I really try to give it my all.

     But lining up with everyone and singing the national anthem, it just was so great to be out. The day was perfect, and it is such fun race. The hill that is the first half of the race was killer, but I was keeping a good pace. It's pretty cool to be running with about 200 people all running at your pace - that is usually the size of the entire road race that I normally run in.

     I was beyond excited to get a selfie with Safety Man. He is very well known for the race, dressing up like a fighter pilot / runway control personnel, and whistling you to the top of the two mile hill at the beginning of the race. From there it was down hill, and through the streets of Manchester. My legs felt great, and just when you start to realize this really isn't a 5K, but a 4.7 mile run, you are heading into the heart of the fans who cheer you on like crazy to the finish line.

     As I came down Main Street I could see that I was making good time. As I crossed the finish line I knew that I had beat my 40 minute and under spot, and I have been so excited to be under 39:00 for the race. It was a great start to a very nice Thanksgiving for me and my family, and I am just so thankful that I was able to run it. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


Hills: 30 minutes of continuous hills. Faster up the hills, easier on the flat parts.

Distance: 3.1 miles

Time: 32:34

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs: ★  

Gut: ★ ★ .5

Energy:  ★   .5

Mind:   ★ 

Overall:    ★.5

Soundtrack: Metallica, Death Magnetic

     I just realized yesterday that the Hartford Half Marathon is next month! I have had a slow go with getting after the training this summer, and this really crept up on me. The good news is that I've learned my lessons over the years, and I know to make sure that I get the right amount of training in to avoid injury. I also have a good feel for my pace, and I feel that my legs are starting to get back into shape. So I am going to make a go at this, but I'm not sure if we are going to make progress on the time this year.

     All in all, these things happen for a reason. I did get a pretty good tendonitis about 11 miles into last year's race, and really that has been haunting me all along since. I still feel it minimally now, but it is there as a little reminder to take it easy. I think that this extra time off and slow ease back into distance has been good, so I am going to stick with it.

     So I was back to my 4:30AM run again this morning, despite my last post saying that I was switching over to evenings. I had a research meeting last night, some extra student teaching tonight and call Thursday night, so really it had to be mornings this week. That said, it was great out this morning. I do love running with my headlamp, and it was that perfect, cool, humid late summer morning that was made for hills.

     I made my way to my usual favorite hill that is right next to my house. I actually got the urge to run this hill driving up it yesterday. It is SO steep and SO long, that it is just perfect for hills. I cut things a little short with work coming, but all in all, it was great. Smooth, steady uphills and nice cruising downhills. Legs feel good, and I'm ready for the day!


Run: 60 minutes of long slow distance

Distance: 6.2 miles

Time: 58:44

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs: ★ ★ ★ ★ 

Gut:   ★ ★

Energy  ★ ★ ★ ★ .5

Mind:    ★ ★

Overall:  ★ ★ ★ ★.5

Soundtrack: Disturbed, Indestructible

     I definitely can feel that I am getting back into some kind of running shape. This run today was awesome. I'm not exactly sure where it came from, but I shaved off about 1:15 from my previous 10K runs, and this one just felt good. I thought it might not be so great because I spent some serious time in the garden with a pitch axe and then mowed my lawn just prior. But from the get go this run had something special about it.

     I made good time at the start and felt like I had pretty fresh and warmed up legs. This carried through my first 5K. After my half way water break I got a little sluggish, but once I was making my way back home for the last 2 miles, I decided to turn up the pace. This was no problem and I was able to cruise it the whole way home. Awesome!

     One thing that is becoming very obvious for me this year is that I am trading in my 4:00 - 4:30 AM morning runs for an evening run. I just can't seem to get the momentum early in the morning, and I'm finding that I do have time in the evening to get out on the road. It's just so interesting how your body and mood and mindset can change from year to year. I think that this day-night dilemma has been behind my not getting after my training so far this year, but I am happy to say that I think that I have this thing figure out.

     So goodbye sun rises, and hello sunsets. I think either which way I'll be putting my headlamp to use. And with a new game plan for a new season, I'm ready to start working on some speed, distance and endurance, and we'll see what this fall's race season has to offer.


Run: 1 mile warm up, then 3 x (0.5 mile breathless, 0.5 mile warm up pace), continuous

Distance: 4.2 miles

Time: 35:38

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs: ★ ★ .5

Gut:   .5

Energy  ★ ★ ★ 

Mind:    ★ 

Overall:  ★ ★ ★

Soundtrack: Disturbed, Indestructible

     How do you get as happy as that little stick figure drawing on the top of the page? Intervals, that's the answer! In truth these things are designed to be pretty killer. I'm still WAY out of shape for the season, and yes indeed, these intervals did me in. But when you are done, man, it's great. Along with hills, intervals do so much to build up strength and stamina. They really are a great way to pick up the pace on training, and done right, they can give you a good boost in endurance without too much risk of injury.

     I decided today to run some quick-paced intervals around my perfect 0.5 mile loop neighborhood, rather than my usual tempo runs on my slowly climbing 3.1 mile loop. My kids were in the driveway drawing stick figures and playing basketball with their 12 year-old neighbor, so 4 minute loops were a perfect check in. I also love hearing them cheer me on as I run by.

     The cool thing about intervals is that you can FEEL the pain. Both literally in your legs, but also as each new set of speed then rest hurts more and more, and the pace gets a little slower. By the end, that last 0.5 mile cool down loop is wonderful.

     My guess is that I'm gonna be a little sore tomorrow. I was crazy sore after my pumped up 6 mile run from last weekend. I think that I will be less sore tomorrow, and the good news is: once all this soreness wears off, I will know that I am getting back into some kind of running shape. That's when I can work on getting my distance up and my time down. Gonna be right in time for a  beautiful end to the summer and a welcome fall.


Run: 60 minutes of long slow distance

Distance: 6.2 miles

Time: 60:10

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs: ★ ★ ★ ★ 

Gut:   ★ ★

Energy  ★ ★ ★ ★ .5

Mind:    ★ ★

Overall:  ★ ★ ★ ★

Soundtrack: Godsmack, IV

     I am an Obstetrician Gynecologist, and a father of three, so I do think that this gives me some expertise to talk about orgasms. And while this is not my usual commentary on this running blog, I do think that this is a topic that needs to be addressed. Especially since I had such an incredible run this evening.

     A lot of people like to talk about a Runner's High. Certainly there is something reinvigorating and energizing about running, but I think the word "high" is missing the point. See, that makes me think about sitting around, chilling out on the couch, listening to the Grateful Dead, and eventually needing a nap. A Runner's High is quite the opposite, and I think has more in common biochemically with an orgasm than anything.

     For those who don't know what I'm talking about, I'll give you an example. And it starts with music. So I listen to all types of music - hard rock, classic rock, classical, reggae, hip hop, R&B, pop, you name it. I'm not a fan of country, but that's about it (sorry Garth!). When I'm running though, I pretty much prefer rock, as you can see from following my soundtracks. Rock pretty much keeps me pumped up for the run, and keeps things high energy.

     Usually on most runs about 2 or 3 miles in I will find the perfect combo of a rocking good song and a good pace. And this is where the Runner's High kicks in. My experience of this is a wave of hormones and endorphins that pour out of my brain and flow down my spinal cord. Everything then gets into my blood stream and my pace picks up for at least the next minute of two. It's actually quite awesome, and you really can feel that there are chemicals are literally coming out of the brain and going down your back.

     If I had to guess, I am almost certain that these hormones are going to be natural opiates, adrenaline, oxytocin, norepinephrine, serotonin and the like. All the same kind of stuff that gets kicked off with an orgasm, and really is responsible for the positive feedback that keeps you coming back for more. In fact, mathematically I would put it this way Runner's High = 0.25 x Orgasm (+/- 10%), and is best called a Running Orgasm, rather than a high.

    Now if you are thinking that you would like this experience - you are right. However, you need to train up for this and I usually find that you need to get to the right distance, at least 2 or 3 miles, and you need to be in the "zone" a little. Seriously, it has a lot of similarities to the bed room. Also, it doesn't happen on every run, but with the right practice, and the right music, you can get this great feeling most of the time.


Run: 70 minutes of long slow distance

Distance: 7.3 miles

Time: 71:32

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:  ★ 



Mind:    .5

Overall:  ★ ★★

Soundtrack: Metallica, ... And Justice for All

     Another scorcher today! Fortunately I had a few things in my favor. Most importantly we had just gotten back from vacation and I was totally refreshed. Maybe not my legs so much, as they were still feeling my back-to-back beach runs, but certainly my soul. Also, I had left a little orange juice out with my water bottle, and that TOTALLY helped with avoiding a hypoglycemic metabolism problem. And while I ran in the heat from 2:00 - 3:15 PM or so, it did give me all morning to get hydrated for the humidity.

     Today's big lesson was in humility. After training up for my half marathon last season, I got pretty familiar with my splits. 11:30 to the crest of the first hill, about 18:00 to the park, and about 28:30 for my 3.1 mile loop. Not today - nope, the whole loop was taking me just under 31 minutes, which at first was bringing me down a little. Then I remembered, I'm just two weeks back into my regular running, and no way should I be running at my end of season pace from last year.

     All the better if my treadmill time throughout the winter had kept me on track, but that's just fine. The key for me at least is to not try to get out there and push it too hard too soon. Slow and steady wins the race is a great notion for exactly this purpose. If I keep up this type of running, I'm sure that I will be back on track come October.

     So I'll keep my head down and do what I tell everyone else. Just get out there and do it. Every step counts, and even mile takes you one step closer to whatever finish line you are trying to get to. Even a slow 7 miles in the humidity and heat is much better than no miles, and definitely provides some variety to a nice 3 mile run on a cool day. There is credit for endurance and flexibility.

Beach Run 2

Run: The plan was for about 30 minutes of running along the surf

Distance: 3.2 miles

Time: 32:08

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:  ★  .5 

Gut:   ★ 

Energy    ★ 


Overall:    ★ 

Soundtrack: Disturbed, Indestructible

     I woke up a little sore this morning, but I did need to get in 2 runs during this "work week", and it was looking like another great day for a beach run. Today we came out to Sea Gull Beach, which is right in West Yarmouth, MA. This place was amazing.

A beach-side condo with a little add-on LIGHTHOUSE!

A beach-side condo with a little add-on LIGHTHOUSE!

     The beach was a lot more sandy than yesterday, and still had calm waters for the kids. For me, the sand was a lot more even and packed down by the surf, so it was a lot less challenging to run on. I ended up running through several areas with "Private Property" signs. I figured no one was going to mind the kind beach-running stranger, and most of these folks were probably renting their friends' properties. So I cruised on by with a smile and a wave until I hit the Bird Conservation Area.

You gotta draw the line somewhere. I was not going to run through the Bird Conservatory.

You gotta draw the line somewhere. I was not going to run through the Bird Conservatory.

     I guess it's one thing to not disturb the sun-worshipers, it's another thing to blow up some protected wildlife ground. So even though I was only about a 0.75 miles out, I turned it around to explore the opposite end of the beach. After racing past my starting point, and saying hi to the family again, I came across my next barrier - the bay inlet.

No getting past this waterway. Time to change course again.

No getting past this waterway. Time to change course again.

     No way I was making it across this chasm. So change of course again. I noticed that along the drive in to the beach there was a beautiful marsh bay right where this inlet opened up into. I decided to head along this little trail until I found it. I figured there would be some great trail running back there, and the view would be spectacular.

A beautiful sand marsh bay... unfortunately, also protected!

A beautiful sand marsh bay... unfortunately, also protected!

     The view was great, but unfortunately (and fortunately, I suppose) the whole area was also protected. So, change of plans again. I guess that I did want to get some road running in this week, so I made my way to the road that we had taken into the beach area. I was about 2/3's done with the run anyway, and I knew that the road would be pretty much free-reign for running. Turns out, this was a pretty nice view as well.

Not my usual road run. Nice view from the road of the marsh bay.

Not my usual road run. Nice view from the road of the marsh bay.

     I made my way to what looked like a good turn around point, and then headed back to the beach. All in all, a little bit of everything in this run. This is one of the great parts of running in uncharted territory. It's always great to explore, but you have to be up for making the most of the course that you can get. Happy legs and happy soul is all that matters. There will be plenty of time next week for 4:30 AM tempo runs and hills!

Hot and sweaty after an interesting beach-trail-road run!

Hot and sweaty after an interesting beach-trail-road run!

And, in case you are interested, here is the location if you'd like to repeat today's experiences:

Sea Gull Beach, West Yarmouth, MA.

Sea Gull Beach, West Yarmouth, MA.

     Stay sandy, friends. See you again soon, Cape Cod!

     CMM - The Running Obstetrician, July 24, 2015

Beach Run

Run: The plan was for about 30 minutes of running along the surf

Distance: 3.5 miles

Time: 37:08

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:  ★  ★ 

Gut:   ★ 

Energy    ★  .5

Mind:     ★ .5

Overall:    ★  .5

Soundtrack: Led Zeppelin, Box Set, Disc 2

     Oh man, this was just the perfect way to spend a little part of this summer vacation! With our three little ones, a beach trip to Cape Cod was a great plan. My kids love beaches, hotel swimming pools and fried seafood - so this was a perfect pick. I had fond memories of the Cape as a child, and it has been a long time since I've been out here myself.

A beautiful Cape cottage about 0.5 miles into my run.

A beautiful Cape cottage about 0.5 miles into my run.

     One of the things that I was looking forward to was getting in a beach run or two so that I could post some cool pictures for everyone. Today's run certainly lived up to my expectations. We made our way out to Mayo Beach, part of Wellfleet, MA. We basically picked our beach based on friendliness to little kids. This beach certainly was mild as it was on the bay side of the Cape and had very little to no surf.

     I decided to get running once I saw that the tide was coming in and I was going to lose some of my surf-side running territory to the sea. Beach running is certainly its own animal. I suppose I was planning on running a tempo run today, but beach running provides its own challenges for the legs and the mind. It's not trail running, but it's also not road running. For example, how often do you have to climb over a rock jetty when running on the road?!?!

The tide came in just enough that I had to CLIMB over this rock jetty!

The tide came in just enough that I had to CLIMB over this rock jetty!

     Also, running on the sand is the ultimate in low impact. In fact, the sinking of your foot into the soft sand causes you to work even harder for each step. It's sort of like hills without the hill. And when you step into something really wet, or find a good sized rock under the sand, your trail running skills will certainly come in handy.

     So I was hoping to make this great run out to the tip of the coast that I could see from where I started. What ended up happening is when I came around the corner I found this HUGE bay that was probably 2 miles around to the other side to continue on to what originally looked like a continuation of the coast.

Some of the bay that I found when I got around the corner of where I had started.

Some of the bay that I found when I got around the corner of where I had started.

     So basically I decided that the tide was coming in, the family needed to get some lunch, and no way was I turing today's run into a 6 or 7 miler on the sand! I picked out a reasonable turn around point, gave a tap to the wooden stairs and turned it back around.

About 1.7 miles out. As good a turn around point as any!

About 1.7 miles out. As good a turn around point as any!

     It's funny how most beach-goers will look at the beach runner in a little bit of disbelief. I sort of agree in that your pace is much slower and your stride is made funny by the soft sand. I got many nice waves and hello's as I ran by a lot of people getting some sun, but then ran into a group of Canada geese who weren't too happy to see me crossing their path!

A small flock of geese not so happy to see me coming.

A small flock of geese not so happy to see me coming.

     All in all I got in a great run, and I think that I worked as hard as if I had run intervals on the road. The natural surrounding were certainly a great part of the run! I'm not sure if I could do a beach run every day, but mixing things up is always the best way to go. I covered some good ground today, as you can see from the map of the Cape below.

Mayo Beach in the heart of Wellfleet, MA.

Mayo Beach in the heart of Wellfleet, MA.

     We'll see what tomorrow brings, and if I can find some time to steal away for another beach run tomorrow. Until then, stay sandy my running friends!

Sandy dirty is a whole different kind of dirty! Yeah Beach Runs!!

Sandy dirty is a whole different kind of dirty! Yeah Beach Runs!!

CMM - The Running Obstetrician, July 23, 2015


Run: 60 minutes of long slow distance

Distance: 6.2 miles

Time: 60:56

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:  ★ 


Energy   .5


Overall:   .5

Soundtrack: Linkin Park, Minutes to Midnight

     What is a runner supposed to do when the weather prediction is for 91 degrees and high humidity? Well, I can give you some pointers based on the smart things that I did today, and the really dumb things as well. Because all in all, I was pretty excited to see the fire hydrant across from my house (my start / finish line) by the end of my run this hot and steamy morning!

     First things first, you run actually starts before you run. If you are a night time runner, things that you do or eat during the day will be reflected in your run. If you are a morning runner like me, then drinks, dinner and going out at night make an impact on your run. If you know it's gonna be hot and humid the following morning, definitely skip the heavy dinner and probably best to avoid any alcohol or caffeine. You really can't wake up and plan to drink 2 liters of water to get rehydrated, and then expect to be able to run very far or fast feeling like a camel in your stomach.

     OK, so the morning of your run, should be the morning. I ran from 8:00 to 9:00 AM today (much later than my 4:30 AM runs), and by the second half of the run the sun was out and the humidity was on the rise!  I wouldn't plan to start anything after 10 AM if you can avoid it. Better to get in an evening run, say after 6 PM, if you are looking at the possibility of a late morning run. Believe me, nothing beats a 5:00 AM cool morning run on these hot days. AND, if you compare that to the sweaty awfulness of a 11 to noon run, it's a no-brainer.

     Water. Water. Water. This is one of two major problems with these days (the other is overheating). My guess is that you sweat off half to a whole liter of water in about 10 minutes of running when its this hot and humid. If you pay a lot of attention to this blog, you will see that I normally run a nice hilly 5K loop. I usually leave a water bottle on top of my fire hydrant and take a drink every three miles or so. On days like this, you need to drive out and stash some water at about one to one and half miles out. Some people can run with water on the body, which is great. For those of you like me, plant some water along your run.

     Water isn't enough though. Most morning runners will realize that at about 6 miles you are all out of glucose and glycogen and you are burning fat, if you don't eat some carbohydrates before you head out. Some people can eat carbohydrate gels, but that was never for me. What you need to do is leave a little juice box or sports drink near your water or switch out water for the sugary drink here and there. Dehydration makes the hypoglycemia feel even worse, as now you are trying to make your muscles do things with low blood pressure and low blood sugar. Ain't gonna happen.

     Last, don't plan your hardest work outs for these days. Also, don't expect to run your best times or paces. These are actually great days for stretching, working out that nagging injury, and gradual slow runs and cruisers. The fact that you went out and ran at all is a win, so don't feel like you have to be completely on top of your game.  Be safe, and be smart. Getting in some miles is great, but you don't want to take yourself out of the game!

     So run on people. Enjoy the summer, and enjoy the fact that the mornings are brighter earlier, and the nights stay brighter longer. Take advantage of these times to avoid to heat and humidity and still get your running in.



Run: 10 minute jog out, 5 times hills of one minute up hard, one minute down slow, 10 minute jog home

Distance: 3.1 miles

Time: 30:33

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:  ★ 

Gut:   ★ 

Energy    ★ .5

Mind:    ★ .5

Overall:    ★ .5

Soundtrack: Metallica, ...And Justice for All

     It is a beautiful morning out there! We have had some very mild summer days this week, and this morning was a bit chilly - almost like a fall morning. It's the kind of chilly that you get that Frankenstein headache. That's the one where your ears are chilly and it spreads right into that side of your head and upper jaw - right where Frankenstein has his little bolts.

     But five sets of hills later, and I'm nice a sweaty! The hills were great. My hamstrings were SUPER sore this week from my little run at the beginning of the week. I finally did a little stretching over the past two days, and what a difference it makes. I'm telling you, every year you have to run a little smarter to avoid injury.

     I wasn't too excited to hear the alarm clock go off early this morning, but once I got my feet under me, there was no stopping. Sleepy mistakes made this morning: I forgot to set my coffee to brew before heading out (it just finished now!), and I came down stairs with the wrong pain of running shoes. All quickly corrected, but it's interesting what the sleepy brain can miss!

     I love working in hills. It's a great change of pace and mindset. It also works some different muscles, and the same muscles differently. I think the weekend is supposed to be nice, and I'm going to tackle my first longer run in a long time. So far week one of twelve is turning out to be just right. I hope you are all having good running days out there as well. See you on the weekend!

Tempo Run

Run: 10 minutes at jog, 8 minutes at a good run, 10 minutes jog, then 2 minutes at a good run (was supposed to be 8!)

Distance: 3.1 miles

Time: 30:01

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:  ★ ★ .5


Energy    ★ 



Soundtrack: Chevelle, Sci Fi Crimes

     A beautiful crescent moon on the rise. A slight chill despite the summer humidity in the air. No need for a headlamp, since it's light as day even at 4:30 in the morning. What does all this mean? I'm back! Yep, back on track, back on the wagon, and back on the boat. I have busted out my Runner World training program, and I am getting back to basics with 12 weeks of training.

     So turns out being a teacher of OBGYN to residents and medical students pretty much drops me out of contention in May and June. It's graduation season, and with that many assignments come due. My own Masters graduation didn't help keep me on the road as well.

     But with the new academic year ahead of me, and these amazing bright mornings, it's hard to stay away for too long. Today was a great example of what I've missed. I was a total klutz at this, having forgot to start my run tracker app. I also didn't do the math correctly, and had to cut the run 6 minutes short (I have surgery to get to this morning). My hamstrings were a pinch sore from all the weeding in the garden yesterday, but all in all, good stuff.

     The good news, my left ankle strain from the end of last season has finally improved. Turns out, not using the sprained joint really is the cure. Hopefully it will hang in there throughout the summer. I did want to get a run in in Paris a few weeks ago for you all, but it just never materialized. We are way in Cape Cod next week, and I will certainly track some miles out there!

     OK, off to work. Hope everyone has a great day. I'm sure excited to be back!

Bill Landers 5K

Race: Bill Landers Building Bridges Memorial 5K

Date: May 9, 2015

Location: Glastonbury, CT

Official Time: 34:31

Official Lap: 11:07

Place: 301 / 463

Race Stats

Speed:  ★ ★ ★ (nice and open)

Hills:   (small hills here and there)

Crowd:  ★ ★ ★ (great turnout)

Party:   ★ .5 (a nice time with the folks from town)

T-Shirt:  ★  (Bill Landers and I have a similar look!)

     Perhaps the best race that I have ever run in. Not because of my time, but rather because it was my oldest daughter's first 5K race ever, and I had a blast running it with her and her friend from school. If you want to see all the details of the race, and some great photos in the photo album, check out the web page dedicated to this year's Bill Landers 5K race.

     Sure parents talk about how cool it is to get to do things with their kids, and how special all this stuff is, but FOR REAL this was awesome! It all actually started when I was away in San Francisco last week for a conference. When I was coming out of one of our last sessions, my cell phone rang, and it appeared to be my wife. When I picked up, I quickly found out that it was my 8-year old calling me.

     She had something exciting that she wanted to tell me. See, you may remember this, but they still have elementary school kids run a timed mile as part of P.E. Cassie had run her mile in about 11:30 back in the fall. Of late, I've been trying to get the kids more active outside, and I have had her running our 0.5 mile loop around our neighborhood a few nights a week. She's actually taken to it nicely, and I even time her now to give her a little personal motivation. It's been fun, and she enjoys the running.

     Well, she was super excited to tell me that with her practice mile at school (they run the official one next week), she ran a 9:00 minute mile! Not only that, she also knew that I had the upcoming Bill Landers 5K race (there is a part of the race registration where the elementary schools compete to see who can register the most runners), and she wanted to run the 5K race with me!

     I was so excited. Seriously! I told everyone at the conference that night the story. She had never run three miles before, so I wasn't sure how she would do, but I told her we would just take it as it comes, have a good time, set a good chilled pace and walk when we needed to. She was game, and I was elated. How cool that my kids were actually going to start getting into something that I really love too!

     We did some math on her 9:00 minute mile, and gave ourselves some time to walk if needed, and set a goal of 40:00 for the race. Now here is the point where you know that this is a seriously cool thing. Most of the time I would be trying to figure out where I was going to come in with my own personal time - I would have probably shot for 25:00 to 25:30 for this race, but I was even more excited to see if we could: 1) finish the race and 2) get it all in under a good goal for her. When you make that switch from, "man, I'm not going to be able to run this race at a personal best for me," to "I'm so psyched to see how my little one can do in this thing," that's when this gets cool as a parent.

     So the day of the race gets here and it's as awesome as I had thought. My little guy, Kyle, did a great job in the kids fun run. He's a little shy, but did a great job. He is quite the little T ball player, and I think will have a love of sports and athletics. I see him running this 5K and some more when he gets a little older too.

     After his race, I was getting so excited to start the race with Cassie. We shot some great photos and were talking about how fun the run was going to be, and how we would take it easy if we needed to. Just then we ran into one of her best friends from school, and we decide to run all together.

     For just a moment there was that feeling a parent gets when he realizes that your kids' friends are as important, and sometime more important, than their parents. For a second I had a twinge of, "maybe this won't be as special" if we don't run this together, just the two of us. And then I remembered this great book that I am reading right now about youth sports (Just Let the Kids Play, Bob Bigelow, 2001), and some of my leadership behaviors skills from my training at work last year. In a flash I thought, "no, this is going to be so much more fun for Cassie and me if we all run this together."

     And I was so correct. These two had such a good time running together, and I had such a blast running with them. In fact, they were so much fun that I couldn't help but get shots of them running along the way, and Tweeting them as we went. All the chitter-chatter about elementary school was hilarious. They loved the paper cups of water, and that you can just throw them on the ground. The whole thing was just so much fun - something that us adults sometimes lose when we are trying to push ourselves for personal bests and the such with these races.

     I did get a glimpse of my daughters competitive edge though. At the end she asked if we could sprint it on in. She still had plenty to go, and we were able to pass a few runners on the way into the finish line. I just love this picture that my wife got of us finishing together. It was really a special moment, and I will cherish this one for a long time.

     So I will be looking forward to our next 5K together, and I can't wait to see if the other kids will find a love for running too. I'll have to sneak in some races to keep me on my clock for the race season this year, but I don't think I'll ever be able to turn down running these races with the kids. It's just too much fun, and too special. If you haven't done this ever or in a while, I recommend registering with an 8- or 9-year old for a 5K one of these weekends, and run it at their pace and see the race through their world. It's just too cool!

San Francisco - Treadmill

Run: 2 miles at 6.4 miles per hour

Distance: 2.0 miles

Time: 18:44

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:  ★ ★ 



Mind:    .5


Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     Welcome to San Francisco! This was my first time to the city, and I was pretty excited to check things out. We had our annual conference in San Fran this year, and it is a great location for the conference. Like a lot of my work trips, I was hoping to get a run in. I just love to get a little map of my run in each new city, and get a picture off my phone of where I had run.

     Turns out, San Francisco is a little scary for the novice - at least where I was staying. It's very much a city - so it's pretty packed in. You can say the same for New Orleans, Las Vegas and Kansas City (some of my more recent travel runs). But here in San Fran they also have some weird traffic patterns to go with the trollies. I actually found it pretty hard to drive around here with the different lanes and all.

     So one thing, I wasn't able to find my bearings. Second, there was a fair amount of construction going on where I was staying, and I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get in much "running" without some pretty regular stop and go's. Lastly, there are a good amount of folks spending the nights on the streets. I have to say that the homeless of San Fran are quite kind and interesting - I did get to chat up a few folks throughout my stay. But with a possible 4:30 AM run, I just wasn't comfortable being out on the streets of a city that was brand new to me.

     Instead I made my way down to the gym. I was due for some weight training as well, so I thought that I could get both in. I was expecting: 1) a tiny gym, and 2) a packed gym, but what I found instead was an amazing gym with just one other person in it. Check this photo out:

Pretty sweet gym at the Parc 55 hotel in San Francisco

Pretty sweet gym at the Parc 55 hotel in San Francisco

     I was so excited for the weights and machines, that I actually spent way too long over there and only was able to get in a two mile run. Even the treadmills were pretty awesome (check out the photo that is the header for this post). The run was good, and a little part of me started thinking - you know, after all of this bad mouthing of the treadmill all winter, I'm having a tough time transitioning back to road running. And so all in all, this may be the truth of the matter - I may be having a hard time giving up the treadmill :) !!!

     Well, I hear the weather in Connecticut is warming up. I'll try to get in a few more runs out here in San Fran. We do have our Bill Lander's 5K coming up next weekend, so I'll have to get ready for that. But at some point, I do need to get back on the roads, and wean off of these treadmills. The spring is here, and we've got some hills and tempo runs to do!


Run: 3 miles at 6.0 miles per hour

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 30:04

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:  ★ ★ .5


Energy    ★.5



Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     Well, it's officially true - I have fallen off the wagon. Sorry runner fans, but I have just found that the balance between work, life and running has fallen to the work. I'd love to say that I kept my running up through all of this, but April was a tough month!

     The fact of the matter is that I finished up my Master in Clinical and Translational Research just last week. This was actually a big accomplishment for me, and I am super happy and proud. I will be putting this to good use, and hopefully beefing up the Statistics Podcast as part of this website soon.

     With the thesis due last week, I just have had to sacrifice all of my free time to getting this done, and done well. That combined with the chilly mornings made the running just too hard to get in. But I came back for a little jog this morning, and even thought about running out on the streets. Ha - not quite there yet.

     When I had my morning runs down (see some posts from last fall), I had purchased a very nice headlamp, so that I wasn't running in the dark (something I WAS doing - see posts from late summer last year!). This morning I went to find the headlamp, which was successful. Only problem - not charged. AND, turns out this company also makes a charger that fits with no other charger!! I'm sure there is an engineering reason behind this, but wouldn't it be great if every electronic had pretty much the same charger!

     So back to the treadmill - which was actually fine because it was 37 degrees out this morning. I arrived to the gym to find it locked. It was funny - I pulled in and saw all my morning usuals sitting in their cars, and still proceed to get out and walk up to the door. Ha, embarrassment. I was just about to leave feeling pretty bummed about the whole thing, when our wonderful AM gym manager pulled in to let us all in.

     The run was pretty standard. I set my pace a little slower just because it's been so long. I guess the good thing that has come from all of this is that the tendonitis in my left ankle from last fall's half marathon has really subsided. As my father always likes to say, "there is a reason for everything".

     So fatalists around the world, I am going to get back on track with this running. Just to let you know. And there is a reason behind this too - to have an awesome running season this year! See you all on the streets.


Run: 3 miles at 6.5 miles per hour

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 27:44

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:  ★ ★ .5

Gut:   ★ .5


Mind:    ★ .5

Overall:    ★ .5

Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     Yep, still cold, and still working the treadmill. Twenty degrees out this morning, and that's just too cold. So off I went to the gym to meet up with my 4:30 AM crew. Mostly everyone was there. We have a few that stick to the weights, and a several that stick to the treadmills and ellipticals. Today was a running day for me, and so I made my way over to my usual treadmill - row two, seat six.

     As I walked past the two treadmills next to mine, I saw that they were out of service. Nothing new for regularly used gym equipment, but both of these also had scribbled on the 'not-to-be-used' message the milage that each treadmill had racked up over the years. Apparently one had gone 18,170 miles and the other 17,576 miles. Now I'm no treadmill, but that seems pretty good.

     So this got me to thinking, I wonder how long: 1) the average runner runs in a year, and 2) how many miles I put on in this past year. The answer to number two is easy, because I am going to have to put it off for a while. I began this website with a 4.3 mile run on August 3, 2014 - click the link to see the first ever blog post to the site. I have pretty much documented every run that I have gotten in since then, so I will tally up the score when we get to August and let you know.

     The answer to number one however... So, according to Running, the average runner puts in over 35 miles per week. Running For actually has a nice table of recommended distances for those interested in completing different distance races, and at different levels of training. You can see the range here for maximum weekly miles is anywhere from 10-20 miles per week up to 40-60 miles per week. And really my favorite source for setting a good program for your running, and running safely, Runner's World suggests this schedule which focuses more on time and effort than distance.

     So in the thick of it, I probably was running about 3 - 4 miles two to three days a week, with about 8 miles on the weekend. That would be about 20 miles per week. Take that out 50 weeks (gotta have some kind of break) and you're looking at 1000 miles in a year. That's me at my ideal finest, which clearly, I'm not there. In reality, I'm gonna guess I put in about a quarter of that last year, if I'm lucky. For the 35.5 miles per week professional, you are looking at 1846 miles (I didn't give them the 2 weeks off) per year. 

     So little treadmill, I may have given you a lot of crap this winter, but I'm impressed with what you've pulled off. Looks like you've packed in 10 professional runner years before needing a new belt and deck. I'd have to say, I think that I'm gonna need a new set of both if I ever get myself up to 35 miles week. One can always dream!

Treadmill - Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Run: 3 miles at 6.5 miles per hour

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 27:45

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:   .5

Gut:   ★ .5


Mind:    ★ .5

Overall:    ★ .5

Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     Not gonna lie - I woke up a little sore this morning from Sunday's 6.7 mile run. Butt, hamstrings, knees, left ankle. All a good sign that I am not at the same level of conditioning as when I left my 3 x / week training last fall. On the flip side, it looks like we are back at it, and in a few weeks, I think that all of my training will be back on the road and trails.

     So this St. Patrick's Day started off in an interesting way. You ever have those early mornings where you wake up right at the end of a sleep cycle, and you are perfectly awake? Sometimes on the weekends you will actually go back to sleep because it's too early, and then when you wake up the next time you are all sorts of groggy, and you wish you had gotten up in the first place. Well, that was about 3:50 AM this morning.

     I knew that I had to be close to 4:00 AM, since I could tell that I had slept for some time. I was lying there wondering if I should try to fall back a sleep or check to see what time it was when the alarm clock went off. Just prior to it going off I thought, "man I feel good for this early in the morning. All sorts of energy for the day." But as soon as it went off I thought, "well, I have to get my two 5-minute snoozes in."

     So I DID snooze times two, and what happens at the end of this? My little brain starts to say, "you know, you could just go back to sleep for an hour...?" The good news is that the rest of my brain knows that when I wake up like this, I cannot go back to sleep right away, and I lie around in bed for a good 20 - 30 minutes before falling asleep. I usually wake up the next time much sleepier than the first.

     And this thought ends up winning, and gets me out of bed. Once the feet hit the floor, I'm golden, but it's amazing how there are two sides of the brain at this hour of the morning, really fighting over what the body is going to do. The even better news is that I ALWAYS come back from the run and think to myself, "I'm glad that I did that". And the part of the brain that made me get out of bed is a little happier.

     So on this St. Patrick's Day, my sore legs and that little sleepy, dangerous, lazy part of my brain lost early to the excited, energetic, pumped up part of my brain, and three happy miles on the treadmill later we are ready to see what the corn beef, cabbage and green beer will bring us! Happy St. Patty'd everyone!


Run: 60 minutes of easy distance, hilly.

Distance: 6.7 miles

Time: 62:13

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:    .5

Gut:   ★ ★

Energy:   ★ .5

Mind:   ★ ★ 


Soundtrack: Stone Sour, House of Gold & Bones Part 1 & 2 

     I was wondering when this day was going to come. Finally, running outside on my usual course! It has been a long cold February, and this was finally the day. Going into the weekend, I had a feeling that we'd get some warm enough weather and some clearing. Saturday was actually quite rainy. I saw a few blog posts from people running races on Saturday, and felt a little bad for them. Nothing like running in some chilly rain!

     Since I wasn't signed up for a race ticket, I put my run off until Sunday. It's was cloudy but clear, and there were some spots where the sun broke through. I was a little worried about the snow on the sides of the road, but that was mostly clear, and so it was a safe run up my usual hill and back. The park where I turn back around at about 1.5 miles was completely covered in snow, and it will probably be a few weeks before the cinder path is even visible. I figured out a little loop in the driveway to the park, which worked out just fine.

     So what did on learn on my first 6.7 miles of the 2015 outdoor running season? Well, for starters, while not the same as road running, the treadmill did keep me somewhat in shape, and I think that I am starting off this year on the right foot (ha ha, couldn't help it!). Even though I was super psyched, it doesn't mean that I was totally into all parts of the run - I was pretty dragging by the end, but it's just going to take some time to get back into this. And last, you just can't beat running on the road, especially with some hills, when you want to think about running fitness.

     We are off to a great start. I'll probably keep it on the treadmill for the early weekday runs this week, but the weekends should start affording some distance road runs, and a little 5K race this up coming weekend! Happy St. Patrick's Day coming up.


Run: 3 miles at 6.5 miles per hour

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 27:45

Performance Stats (out of 5 )


Gut:   ★ .5

Energy    ★ ★ .5

Mind:    ★ ★ .5

Overall:    ★ ★

Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

    Yes people, Spring is here! OK, it's not quite HERE, but you can feel that it's coming. Now I learned my lesson from San Antonio, and cold is still cold. It was 22 oF this morning, so any plans of running outside I quickly packed away. But, to put things into perspective, it was about 2 oF in the mornings a week ago, and any time you go up twenty degrees, you can feel the change. Think of going from 50 degrees in the afternoon to 70 degrees. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

     You may think that this has been a little over stated, but I'm telling you, people are different around here. I went to get my mail last night after work, and 1) it was still bright out (hello time change!), and 2) I didn't have a coat on, and it was fine. Well, it was probably 36 degrees, but I was comfortably talking with my neighbor about how exciting it is to see some grass again. It's even on the news. Everyone is excited.

     So last night I contemplated running on the roads this morning, but I knew it was going to be too chilly. Also, there is still a good amount of snow on the sides of the road. I came across one fella running over the weekend. He very smartly had on a bright neon yellow coat, but he was literally in the middle of the lane that my car was in. He couldn't help it from the snow banks. This backed up traffic, and you could just tell that he wasn't enjoying the run. How can you?!?

     But it's coming. You can feel it. I think we get up to 48 oF today, and 50s tomorrow with some rain, and these roads are going to start clearing up. I'm signing up for some 5Ks, and I'm going to get my training manual out to get back on track for a half marathon coming up. It's time to start running again!

Chilly, but Outside!

Run: Quick steady jogging pace around the hotel

Distance: 2.4 miles

Time: 22:01

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:   ★ .5

Gut:   ★ ★



Overall:    .5

Soundtrack: none today, due to new territory and darkness

     Let me start by saying that this was probably a bad idea. Thirty minutes later drinking a warm coffee, I'm all good, but 32oF is still 32oF!

     In case you are wondering what I am talking about... We are writing today from beautiful San Antonio, TX. This year's CREOG APGO conference is here, and along with meeting up with old friends, learning some cool stuff about how to teach and take care of my wellness, I was REALLY looking forward to running outside. It's been a little overcast here, but I saw some folks I knew running yesterday afternoon, and it looked great.

     The Connecticut weather was destined to follow me down here (and it really has been cold down in Texas on several occasions this winter), and sure enough, crazy winds and freezing temperatures were planned over night and into this morning. When I woke up, I couldn't believe this, but I headed on down to the 24-hour gym to get my run in on a treadmill!

     Good try, my friend. This conference is packed with healthy, athletic OBGYNs, and by 5 AM, this gym was full. So, I thought, let me see if they have a running course outside. I mean after all, finally a chance to run outside! I stopped by the check in counter, and sure enough, they have a few courses. I thought that maybe I would put the 2.36 mile course and the 0.9 mile course together and have a nice run outside. The front desk staff thought that I was a little crazy, but I assured them that I was from Connecticut, and it's been a lot colder up there for the past several weeks.

     As I stepped out the front door of the hotel, I realized something. It was cold. I checked my weather app, which said 32oF. Now, freezing is freezing no matter where you are, but I had made it this far. And I'm from cold weather territory. They don't call it UCONN for nothing! I should get some kind of "points" for that, right?

     All in all, it was't the coldest thing that I have ever done. On the plus side, I have to give it to the JW Marriott folks, its a great running path away from the traffic and lighted the whole way. The hotel is up on a nice hill, and this made for a nice up-hill finish. The cold was cold, but the WIND is what did it. The hotel sits in a little area called Cibolo Canyon, and sure enough, the winds were howling through this canyon. The last 0.5 miles were running into the winds, and I think that my hands were saying, "really, frost bite, in San Antonio?!?"

     Several cars drove past me running in my T-shirt and shorts. I'm sure they had some interesting opinions on my decision. To add salt to the wound, just as I was making my final yards to the warm inviting hotel door, out came a young man heading out for a run. Only difference, he had the right clothes on. He must have checked the weather before packing for the trip. Smart!

      All in all a fun experience. I have a nice warm shower awaiting, and then off to the learning. I think that if I make plans for a run tomorrow, it's going to be in the afternoon! Ha, even this Running Obstetrician can learn from his mistakes. I did get outside..... !