
Hills: 30 minutes of continuous hills. Faster up the hills, easier on the flat parts.

Distance: 3.1 miles

Time: 32:34

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs: ★  

Gut: ★ ★ .5

Energy:  ★   .5

Mind:   ★ 

Overall:    ★.5

Soundtrack: Metallica, Death Magnetic

     I just realized yesterday that the Hartford Half Marathon is next month! I have had a slow go with getting after the training this summer, and this really crept up on me. The good news is that I've learned my lessons over the years, and I know to make sure that I get the right amount of training in to avoid injury. I also have a good feel for my pace, and I feel that my legs are starting to get back into shape. So I am going to make a go at this, but I'm not sure if we are going to make progress on the time this year.

     All in all, these things happen for a reason. I did get a pretty good tendonitis about 11 miles into last year's race, and really that has been haunting me all along since. I still feel it minimally now, but it is there as a little reminder to take it easy. I think that this extra time off and slow ease back into distance has been good, so I am going to stick with it.

     So I was back to my 4:30AM run again this morning, despite my last post saying that I was switching over to evenings. I had a research meeting last night, some extra student teaching tonight and call Thursday night, so really it had to be mornings this week. That said, it was great out this morning. I do love running with my headlamp, and it was that perfect, cool, humid late summer morning that was made for hills.

     I made my way to my usual favorite hill that is right next to my house. I actually got the urge to run this hill driving up it yesterday. It is SO steep and SO long, that it is just perfect for hills. I cut things a little short with work coming, but all in all, it was great. Smooth, steady uphills and nice cruising downhills. Legs feel good, and I'm ready for the day!