
Run: 1 mile warm up, then 3 x (0.5 mile breathless, 0.5 mile warm up pace), continuous

Distance: 4.2 miles

Time: 35:38

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs: ★ ★ .5

Gut:   .5

Energy  ★ ★ ★ 

Mind:    ★ 

Overall:  ★ ★ ★

Soundtrack: Disturbed, Indestructible

     How do you get as happy as that little stick figure drawing on the top of the page? Intervals, that's the answer! In truth these things are designed to be pretty killer. I'm still WAY out of shape for the season, and yes indeed, these intervals did me in. But when you are done, man, it's great. Along with hills, intervals do so much to build up strength and stamina. They really are a great way to pick up the pace on training, and done right, they can give you a good boost in endurance without too much risk of injury.

     I decided today to run some quick-paced intervals around my perfect 0.5 mile loop neighborhood, rather than my usual tempo runs on my slowly climbing 3.1 mile loop. My kids were in the driveway drawing stick figures and playing basketball with their 12 year-old neighbor, so 4 minute loops were a perfect check in. I also love hearing them cheer me on as I run by.

     The cool thing about intervals is that you can FEEL the pain. Both literally in your legs, but also as each new set of speed then rest hurts more and more, and the pace gets a little slower. By the end, that last 0.5 mile cool down loop is wonderful.

     My guess is that I'm gonna be a little sore tomorrow. I was crazy sore after my pumped up 6 mile run from last weekend. I think that I will be less sore tomorrow, and the good news is: once all this soreness wears off, I will know that I am getting back into some kind of running shape. That's when I can work on getting my distance up and my time down. Gonna be right in time for a  beautiful end to the summer and a welcome fall.