Tempo Run

Run: 10 minutes at jog, 8 minutes at a good run, 10 minutes jog, then 2 minutes at a good run (was supposed to be 8!)

Distance: 3.1 miles

Time: 30:01

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:  ★ ★ .5


Energy    ★ 



Soundtrack: Chevelle, Sci Fi Crimes

     A beautiful crescent moon on the rise. A slight chill despite the summer humidity in the air. No need for a headlamp, since it's light as day even at 4:30 in the morning. What does all this mean? I'm back! Yep, back on track, back on the wagon, and back on the boat. I have busted out my Runner World training program, and I am getting back to basics with 12 weeks of training.

     So turns out being a teacher of OBGYN to residents and medical students pretty much drops me out of contention in May and June. It's graduation season, and with that many assignments come due. My own Masters graduation didn't help keep me on the road as well.

     But with the new academic year ahead of me, and these amazing bright mornings, it's hard to stay away for too long. Today was a great example of what I've missed. I was a total klutz at this, having forgot to start my run tracker app. I also didn't do the math correctly, and had to cut the run 6 minutes short (I have surgery to get to this morning). My hamstrings were a pinch sore from all the weeding in the garden yesterday, but all in all, good stuff.

     The good news, my left ankle strain from the end of last season has finally improved. Turns out, not using the sprained joint really is the cure. Hopefully it will hang in there throughout the summer. I did want to get a run in in Paris a few weeks ago for you all, but it just never materialized. We are way in Cape Cod next week, and I will certainly track some miles out there!

     OK, off to work. Hope everyone has a great day. I'm sure excited to be back!