

Run: 60 minutes of long slow distance

Distance: 6.2 miles

Time: 58:44

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs: ★ ★ ★ ★ 

Gut:   ★ ★

Energy  ★ ★ ★ ★ .5

Mind:    ★ ★

Overall:  ★ ★ ★ ★.5

Soundtrack: Disturbed, Indestructible

     I definitely can feel that I am getting back into some kind of running shape. This run today was awesome. I'm not exactly sure where it came from, but I shaved off about 1:15 from my previous 10K runs, and this one just felt good. I thought it might not be so great because I spent some serious time in the garden with a pitch axe and then mowed my lawn just prior. But from the get go this run had something special about it.

     I made good time at the start and felt like I had pretty fresh and warmed up legs. This carried through my first 5K. After my half way water break I got a little sluggish, but once I was making my way back home for the last 2 miles, I decided to turn up the pace. This was no problem and I was able to cruise it the whole way home. Awesome!

     One thing that is becoming very obvious for me this year is that I am trading in my 4:00 - 4:30 AM morning runs for an evening run. I just can't seem to get the momentum early in the morning, and I'm finding that I do have time in the evening to get out on the road. It's just so interesting how your body and mood and mindset can change from year to year. I think that this day-night dilemma has been behind my not getting after my training so far this year, but I am happy to say that I think that I have this thing figure out.

     So goodbye sun rises, and hello sunsets. I think either which way I'll be putting my headlamp to use. And with a new game plan for a new season, I'm ready to start working on some speed, distance and endurance, and we'll see what this fall's race season has to offer.