
Chill Distance

Run: 10K loop at a chill pace

Distance: 6.2 miles

Time: 59:27

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs: ★ ★ ★ ★

Gut:    .5

Energy:  ★ ★ ★

Mind:     .5

Overall:  ★ ★ ★

Soundtrack: Godsmack, IV

     The work schedule, the turn to chilly weather and this wonderful sniffly cold from my children has turned the past two weekends into a no-run zone. After some great runs down in Florida with my last conference, I was super jazzed up to keep the momentum once I got back to Connecticut, but it just hadn't happened.

     Today though, it was going down! I was working on my computer finishing up a book chapter that I had been working on, and I could feel the beautiful weather calling me through the window. It was perfect out here today! I think the high was 54, and that is amazing for New England on January 31st - no matter what the year.

     I decided to take it nice and slow, and just get out there and enjoy myself. After two weeks off, and with this crazy runny nose, I knew that I wasn't setting any records. It all turned out to be perfect, and I got a great run in.

     We still have a little bit of snow in some spots, and there were a few sidewalks that weren't ever plowed off. This made for a little bit of back and forth with the shoulder of the road, but I found most of the drivers today to be very kind and gracious. There is something about this weather that makesthe folks driving by appreciate the people getting some exercise out on the roads a little bit more.

     So the legs continue to be in great shape and my conditioning feels good. We have a bunch of St. Patty's Day 5K's coming up in March. I think that if all goes well with those, I may look into sneaking in a spring half marathon this year, and then take it from there. I'll probably start taking out my weekend runs to 8 - 10 miles from now until March, and see how the tendonitis hangs in there. From 10 miles, it shouldn't be much to throw in a 12 miler a weekend or two before a half marathon. It's gonna get interesting, but so far, all keeps looking good for a solid 2016!

Chilly, but Outside!

Run: Quick steady jogging pace around the hotel

Distance: 2.4 miles

Time: 22:01

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:   ★ .5

Gut:   ★ ★



Overall:    .5

Soundtrack: none today, due to new territory and darkness

     Let me start by saying that this was probably a bad idea. Thirty minutes later drinking a warm coffee, I'm all good, but 32oF is still 32oF!

     In case you are wondering what I am talking about... We are writing today from beautiful San Antonio, TX. This year's CREOG APGO conference is here, and along with meeting up with old friends, learning some cool stuff about how to teach and take care of my wellness, I was REALLY looking forward to running outside. It's been a little overcast here, but I saw some folks I knew running yesterday afternoon, and it looked great.

     The Connecticut weather was destined to follow me down here (and it really has been cold down in Texas on several occasions this winter), and sure enough, crazy winds and freezing temperatures were planned over night and into this morning. When I woke up, I couldn't believe this, but I headed on down to the 24-hour gym to get my run in on a treadmill!

     Good try, my friend. This conference is packed with healthy, athletic OBGYNs, and by 5 AM, this gym was full. So, I thought, let me see if they have a running course outside. I mean after all, finally a chance to run outside! I stopped by the check in counter, and sure enough, they have a few courses. I thought that maybe I would put the 2.36 mile course and the 0.9 mile course together and have a nice run outside. The front desk staff thought that I was a little crazy, but I assured them that I was from Connecticut, and it's been a lot colder up there for the past several weeks.

     As I stepped out the front door of the hotel, I realized something. It was cold. I checked my weather app, which said 32oF. Now, freezing is freezing no matter where you are, but I had made it this far. And I'm from cold weather territory. They don't call it UCONN for nothing! I should get some kind of "points" for that, right?

     All in all, it was't the coldest thing that I have ever done. On the plus side, I have to give it to the JW Marriott folks, its a great running path away from the traffic and lighted the whole way. The hotel is up on a nice hill, and this made for a nice up-hill finish. The cold was cold, but the WIND is what did it. The hotel sits in a little area called Cibolo Canyon, and sure enough, the winds were howling through this canyon. The last 0.5 miles were running into the winds, and I think that my hands were saying, "really, frost bite, in San Antonio?!?"

     Several cars drove past me running in my T-shirt and shorts. I'm sure they had some interesting opinions on my decision. To add salt to the wound, just as I was making my final yards to the warm inviting hotel door, out came a young man heading out for a run. Only difference, he had the right clothes on. He must have checked the weather before packing for the trip. Smart!

      All in all a fun experience. I have a nice warm shower awaiting, and then off to the learning. I think that if I make plans for a run tomorrow, it's going to be in the afternoon! Ha, even this Running Obstetrician can learn from his mistakes. I did get outside..... !


Treadmill: The Breaking Point

Run: 5 miles at 6.0 miles per hour

Distance: 5.0 miles

Time: 50:03

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:   ★ .5

Gut:   ★ ★

Energy    ★ ★

Mind:    ★ 

Overall:    ★ ★

Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     Alright Mother Nature, we are going to have to have a talk. See it's March, and we are about to turn the clocks ahead next weekend. There is just something growing inside of all of us here in little Glastonbury, Connecticut, USA. Sort of like a little tomato seed tilled into the dirt of the garden last fall. We are beginning to realize that Spring is coming, and the little shells of our seeds are starting to shake, rumble and crack.

     I was just saying to my son yesterday morning, "You know Kyle, I think that we are all done with snow for the year." His replied, "Thank goodness, Daddy!" And then I turned on the news - more snow on it's way. I know that I live in New England, and I do love the winter, but heading out to the gym for a 5 mile treadmill run today at 10 degrees with a plan for 3 - 6 more inches of snow tonight - it's getting to be a bit much.

     The other thing is that I am starting to get super-psyched for some of these early Spring races. There are all sorts of St. Patty's day 5K's coming up over the next few weekends, and holy hell if they are gonna be in the middle of a snow storm - yikes! There is something OK about running in cold rain, sleet and a little snow in October and November, but by March, it's time for that warm sun to start shining on our beautiful, sweaty running faces, and to have the snow off the roads.

     So my message here after this nice 5 mile run on the treadmill is that I'm ready. I'm ready for 4AM hills and tempo runs on our back roads with my head lamp on. I'm ready for long hill runs going out 60 - 70 minutes on the weekends. I'm ready for some trail runs in our local small parks. And I'm ready to get registered for some 5K and half marathon road races, and get this season going! C'mon, Mother Nature, you have to like Spring too - it's time!

P.S. Everyone from Boston, sorry for complaining!


Run: 3 miles at 6.5 miles per hour

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 27:45

Performance Stats (out of 5 )



Energy    ★ ★

Mind:    ★ 


Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     So I woke up this morning to the snow plow coming back around again. I thought this was interesting because it seemed that he had gotten most of the snow off the road by late afternoon yesterday. My snowblower is mostly on the fritz, so I ended up shoveling my driveway twice, and getting it to work for another go around, especially around the mailbox. When I heard the scrape of the plow on my street at 4:30AM, I thought, "great more snow to have to shovel back off the end of the driveway."

     I knew that no way I was running outside with all this snow piled up everyone, so off again it was to the gym. The good news was, the gym would be open. I think that this snow and cold really is getting to everyone, because now they shut down everything for any amount of snow. I mean we did get about 8 - 10 inches over the past 2 days, but c'mon, no gym on the weekend is sad! When I got out of my car to shovel up the little pile the plow had pushed onto my driveway, I thought, "boy it's cold out here!" And sure enough, minus 9 degrees - yikes.

     It was beautifully clear, and a great crescent moon rising from the east. Unfortunately, I can think of no possible way to actually 'run' on these streets, and with the winds howling, the wind chill has to be even worse! So back to the gym, and my trusty treadmill for me. We've had some good blog posts over the weekend about the ups and downs of treadmill running, and we've be talking about this all winter. But this morning, I'm telling you, it's the only way to get in a decent run around here.

     The funny thing about dialing into a run like this, is that you get the exact same run. I ran this 3 miles in 27:45, exactly the same as my last 3 mile treadmill post. I do have to say, my right hamstring may feel a little different about it, but the rest is mostly the same. I'm sure there is something to say for consistency, but as a nice blogger put it on Google+ this past weekend, if you are going to run in road races, it's the variation in hill, pitch and terrain that helps you get to the finish line all the faster.

     So today we make due. Another 2-4 inches is predicted for tomorrow. I'm ready for some spring, but we are going to have to get through this chill first. For now, I'll be happy that my gym is open, the power to the treadmill is working, and I can keep up a decent little persistent pace.


Run: 3 miles at 6.5 miles per hour

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 27:45

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:   ★ 

Gut:   ★ ★

Energy    ★ ★

Mind:    ★  .5


Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     We sure did get a serious amount of snow with the latest snowstorm. There was about 15 to 16 inches of snow in my neighborhood. The snowplows had pushed most of the snow up onto the sides of the streets, and seriously there was nowhere possible to run, even if you wanted to. Throw in some below freezing temperatures and a good deal of ice, and back to the gym it was for a treadmill run for me.

     I did get a hilarious e-mail from one of the local running clubs, describing some pointers on running in the winter weather.  I will poke some fun here at their suggestions, but they did do a good job of saying 'run smart and head in if all else fails.' That said, get these comments:

1. Always run facing traffic, they will have a more difficult time seeing you. Yeah, and that's because no one expects to see a crazy person running on the roads when the breakdown lanes are all covering in plowed snow.

2. Wear reflective clothing, and always wear a light if you are running in the dark. Are you kidding me?! No way you should be running in the dark on these roads!

3. Run single-file when running in groups. Yeah, you better since everyone is running ON the road with the cars anyway.

4. Wear warm and protective clothing. I do agree with this, but I also agree that it is COLD out here! Can you say polar vortex?

     In all seriousness, I get that there are the die-hards who will run outside no matter what. And there are those who think that treadmill running isn't running, but c'mon. With all of the starts and stops, slipping on the ice, dodging cars and stopping traffic, I have to believe that you ACTUALLY get a better run on the treadmill when it's like this outside.

     So back in I was today. I actually had a nice run with a good pace. I'm going to hopefully get myself up to 7.0 miles per hour by the Spring time, and hit the streets with a good pace and a good base. Oh treadmill, you are a necessary evil, and I thank you for keeping me somewhat fit until the snow clears and the roads open back up.


Run: 6 miles of easy hilly distance

Distance: 6.3 miles

Time: 58:19

Performance Stats (out of 5 )


Gut:   ★ ★

Energy    ★ .5

Mind:     .5

Overall:     .5

Soundtrack: Godsmack, 1000hp, Good Times, Bad Times

     Whew momma, I just got this run in before the snow started falling! And it is totally coming down now. No doubt we'll have some accumulation by the end of this afternoon. There was a call for snow as of yesterday, and you could see in the sky that it was on it's way at some point. It's funny how impending snow is like impending rain, but a little less menacing. Kinda like running in the snow is a little better off than running in rain - at least for this R.O.B.

     All in all a good run. A bit chilly, but with the right gear, once I got started it was warm enough. It's interesting in that when I run I prefer to keep my hands in a loose fist, but usually with my thumbs out. For the first two miles, my thumbs were a little too cold in this position, and I had to tuck them into my fists. This was just awkward enough that I couldn't help but pay attention to it for the two miles. Then as my gloved hands got warmed up, it didn't matter as much where my thumbs were. All in all, a very weird small detail, but when you've got an hour alone with yourself, it's interesting what you end up paying attention to.

     So I'm happy to be back to 6 miles runs. Legs feel good - ankle still annoying, but no more so. I'm not entirely sure what kind of distance I'm looking at for 2015 races, but 6 - 8 miles on the weekends is going to be a good base for either 5K's or 10k's, whatever it may be. For now, I'm just happy to have gotten in one more road run before the flakes started to fall. I may be shoveling before the end of this day!