Chill Distance

Run: 10K loop at a chill pace

Distance: 6.2 miles

Time: 59:27

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs: ★ ★ ★ ★

Gut:    .5

Energy:  ★ ★ ★

Mind:     .5

Overall:  ★ ★ ★

Soundtrack: Godsmack, IV

     The work schedule, the turn to chilly weather and this wonderful sniffly cold from my children has turned the past two weekends into a no-run zone. After some great runs down in Florida with my last conference, I was super jazzed up to keep the momentum once I got back to Connecticut, but it just hadn't happened.

     Today though, it was going down! I was working on my computer finishing up a book chapter that I had been working on, and I could feel the beautiful weather calling me through the window. It was perfect out here today! I think the high was 54, and that is amazing for New England on January 31st - no matter what the year.

     I decided to take it nice and slow, and just get out there and enjoy myself. After two weeks off, and with this crazy runny nose, I knew that I wasn't setting any records. It all turned out to be perfect, and I got a great run in.

     We still have a little bit of snow in some spots, and there were a few sidewalks that weren't ever plowed off. This made for a little bit of back and forth with the shoulder of the road, but I found most of the drivers today to be very kind and gracious. There is something about this weather that makesthe folks driving by appreciate the people getting some exercise out on the roads a little bit more.

     So the legs continue to be in great shape and my conditioning feels good. We have a bunch of St. Patty's Day 5K's coming up in March. I think that if all goes well with those, I may look into sneaking in a spring half marathon this year, and then take it from there. I'll probably start taking out my weekend runs to 8 - 10 miles from now until March, and see how the tendonitis hangs in there. From 10 miles, it shouldn't be much to throw in a 12 miler a weekend or two before a half marathon. It's gonna get interesting, but so far, all keeps looking good for a solid 2016!