
Run: 3 miles at 6.5 miles per hour

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 27:44

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:  ★ ★ .5

Gut:   ★ .5


Mind:    ★ .5

Overall:    ★ .5

Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     Yep, still cold, and still working the treadmill. Twenty degrees out this morning, and that's just too cold. So off I went to the gym to meet up with my 4:30 AM crew. Mostly everyone was there. We have a few that stick to the weights, and a several that stick to the treadmills and ellipticals. Today was a running day for me, and so I made my way over to my usual treadmill - row two, seat six.

     As I walked past the two treadmills next to mine, I saw that they were out of service. Nothing new for regularly used gym equipment, but both of these also had scribbled on the 'not-to-be-used' message the milage that each treadmill had racked up over the years. Apparently one had gone 18,170 miles and the other 17,576 miles. Now I'm no treadmill, but that seems pretty good.

     So this got me to thinking, I wonder how long: 1) the average runner runs in a year, and 2) how many miles I put on in this past year. The answer to number two is easy, because I am going to have to put it off for a while. I began this website with a 4.3 mile run on August 3, 2014 - click the link to see the first ever blog post to the site. I have pretty much documented every run that I have gotten in since then, so I will tally up the score when we get to August and let you know.

     The answer to number one however... So, according to Running, the average runner puts in over 35 miles per week. Running For actually has a nice table of recommended distances for those interested in completing different distance races, and at different levels of training. You can see the range here for maximum weekly miles is anywhere from 10-20 miles per week up to 40-60 miles per week. And really my favorite source for setting a good program for your running, and running safely, Runner's World suggests this schedule which focuses more on time and effort than distance.

     So in the thick of it, I probably was running about 3 - 4 miles two to three days a week, with about 8 miles on the weekend. That would be about 20 miles per week. Take that out 50 weeks (gotta have some kind of break) and you're looking at 1000 miles in a year. That's me at my ideal finest, which clearly, I'm not there. In reality, I'm gonna guess I put in about a quarter of that last year, if I'm lucky. For the 35.5 miles per week professional, you are looking at 1846 miles (I didn't give them the 2 weeks off) per year. 

     So little treadmill, I may have given you a lot of crap this winter, but I'm impressed with what you've pulled off. Looks like you've packed in 10 professional runner years before needing a new belt and deck. I'd have to say, I think that I'm gonna need a new set of both if I ever get myself up to 35 miles week. One can always dream!

Max's O'Hartford 5K

Race: Max's O'Hartford 5K

Date: March 22, 2014

Location: Hartford, CT

Official Time: 25:50

Official Lap: 8:19

Place: 233 / 1711

Race Stats

Speed:  ★ ★ ★ (nice and open)

Hills:   (one small hill)

Crowd:  ★ ★ ★ (great turnout)

Party:   ★  (they put on a good show)

T-Shirt:  ★ ★ .5 (simple, but nice)

     Whoa momma, this was a cold one. In keeping with the cold weather of February and March, this St. Patty's Day run was still an ice breaker, even a week later. Check out my latest web page dedicated to the race, complete with photo album. Yet, despite the cold, the race was a blast. I was able to catch up with two of my OB/GYN interns before the race. We got to hang out a little in the Hartford Civic Center for a while, before warming up for the run.

     The race itself was a very nice. It was flat and covered a lot of the same ground as the Hartford Marathon. I love running through the streets of Hartford - I did live in this city for four years, and have spent a lot of time here with sporting events, dinner, theater, and just plain old hanging out and having a good time. It's nice to get to see the city from the closed off roads.

     For me, the run was pretty good. I am not in the best running shape as of yet, but this is one of the earliest starts that I've had on the season. The time overall wasn't too bad. In fact, the cold weather got the best of the timing system, and everyone actually ran about 30 seconds faster than what was posted (so about 25:20 for me). That definitely gives me something to work with, and I may see the 23:30 race goal that I have for myself this season.

     The afterparty was great, but seeing Iris take first for her age group was even better. I knew that she was a good runner, but just over 20 minutes is crazy! The party on the streets was a lot less chilly after 3.1 miles. But even with that, we wrapped up our celebrating at a near by tavern instead. It was a great way to spend the afternoon with some friends and co-workers in a sweaty and chilly way. I'll keep this race on the radar, but let's hope for some more seasonal weather next year. At least it didn't snow!

Treadmill - Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Run: 3 miles at 6.5 miles per hour

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 27:45

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:   .5

Gut:   ★ .5


Mind:    ★ .5

Overall:    ★ .5

Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     Not gonna lie - I woke up a little sore this morning from Sunday's 6.7 mile run. Butt, hamstrings, knees, left ankle. All a good sign that I am not at the same level of conditioning as when I left my 3 x / week training last fall. On the flip side, it looks like we are back at it, and in a few weeks, I think that all of my training will be back on the road and trails.

     So this St. Patrick's Day started off in an interesting way. You ever have those early mornings where you wake up right at the end of a sleep cycle, and you are perfectly awake? Sometimes on the weekends you will actually go back to sleep because it's too early, and then when you wake up the next time you are all sorts of groggy, and you wish you had gotten up in the first place. Well, that was about 3:50 AM this morning.

     I knew that I had to be close to 4:00 AM, since I could tell that I had slept for some time. I was lying there wondering if I should try to fall back a sleep or check to see what time it was when the alarm clock went off. Just prior to it going off I thought, "man I feel good for this early in the morning. All sorts of energy for the day." But as soon as it went off I thought, "well, I have to get my two 5-minute snoozes in."

     So I DID snooze times two, and what happens at the end of this? My little brain starts to say, "you know, you could just go back to sleep for an hour...?" The good news is that the rest of my brain knows that when I wake up like this, I cannot go back to sleep right away, and I lie around in bed for a good 20 - 30 minutes before falling asleep. I usually wake up the next time much sleepier than the first.

     And this thought ends up winning, and gets me out of bed. Once the feet hit the floor, I'm golden, but it's amazing how there are two sides of the brain at this hour of the morning, really fighting over what the body is going to do. The even better news is that I ALWAYS come back from the run and think to myself, "I'm glad that I did that". And the part of the brain that made me get out of bed is a little happier.

     So on this St. Patrick's Day, my sore legs and that little sleepy, dangerous, lazy part of my brain lost early to the excited, energetic, pumped up part of my brain, and three happy miles on the treadmill later we are ready to see what the corn beef, cabbage and green beer will bring us! Happy St. Patty'd everyone!


Run: 60 minutes of easy distance, hilly.

Distance: 6.7 miles

Time: 62:13

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:    .5

Gut:   ★ ★

Energy:   ★ .5

Mind:   ★ ★ 


Soundtrack: Stone Sour, House of Gold & Bones Part 1 & 2 

     I was wondering when this day was going to come. Finally, running outside on my usual course! It has been a long cold February, and this was finally the day. Going into the weekend, I had a feeling that we'd get some warm enough weather and some clearing. Saturday was actually quite rainy. I saw a few blog posts from people running races on Saturday, and felt a little bad for them. Nothing like running in some chilly rain!

     Since I wasn't signed up for a race ticket, I put my run off until Sunday. It's was cloudy but clear, and there were some spots where the sun broke through. I was a little worried about the snow on the sides of the road, but that was mostly clear, and so it was a safe run up my usual hill and back. The park where I turn back around at about 1.5 miles was completely covered in snow, and it will probably be a few weeks before the cinder path is even visible. I figured out a little loop in the driveway to the park, which worked out just fine.

     So what did on learn on my first 6.7 miles of the 2015 outdoor running season? Well, for starters, while not the same as road running, the treadmill did keep me somewhat in shape, and I think that I am starting off this year on the right foot (ha ha, couldn't help it!). Even though I was super psyched, it doesn't mean that I was totally into all parts of the run - I was pretty dragging by the end, but it's just going to take some time to get back into this. And last, you just can't beat running on the road, especially with some hills, when you want to think about running fitness.

     We are off to a great start. I'll probably keep it on the treadmill for the early weekday runs this week, but the weekends should start affording some distance road runs, and a little 5K race this up coming weekend! Happy St. Patrick's Day coming up.


Run: 3 miles at 6.5 miles per hour

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 27:45

Performance Stats (out of 5 )


Gut:   ★ .5

Energy    ★ ★ .5

Mind:    ★ ★ .5

Overall:    ★ ★

Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

    Yes people, Spring is here! OK, it's not quite HERE, but you can feel that it's coming. Now I learned my lesson from San Antonio, and cold is still cold. It was 22 oF this morning, so any plans of running outside I quickly packed away. But, to put things into perspective, it was about 2 oF in the mornings a week ago, and any time you go up twenty degrees, you can feel the change. Think of going from 50 degrees in the afternoon to 70 degrees. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.

     You may think that this has been a little over stated, but I'm telling you, people are different around here. I went to get my mail last night after work, and 1) it was still bright out (hello time change!), and 2) I didn't have a coat on, and it was fine. Well, it was probably 36 degrees, but I was comfortably talking with my neighbor about how exciting it is to see some grass again. It's even on the news. Everyone is excited.

     So last night I contemplated running on the roads this morning, but I knew it was going to be too chilly. Also, there is still a good amount of snow on the sides of the road. I came across one fella running over the weekend. He very smartly had on a bright neon yellow coat, but he was literally in the middle of the lane that my car was in. He couldn't help it from the snow banks. This backed up traffic, and you could just tell that he wasn't enjoying the run. How can you?!?

     But it's coming. You can feel it. I think we get up to 48 oF today, and 50s tomorrow with some rain, and these roads are going to start clearing up. I'm signing up for some 5Ks, and I'm going to get my training manual out to get back on track for a half marathon coming up. It's time to start running again!

Chilly, but Outside!

Run: Quick steady jogging pace around the hotel

Distance: 2.4 miles

Time: 22:01

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:   ★ .5

Gut:   ★ ★



Overall:    .5

Soundtrack: none today, due to new territory and darkness

     Let me start by saying that this was probably a bad idea. Thirty minutes later drinking a warm coffee, I'm all good, but 32oF is still 32oF!

     In case you are wondering what I am talking about... We are writing today from beautiful San Antonio, TX. This year's CREOG APGO conference is here, and along with meeting up with old friends, learning some cool stuff about how to teach and take care of my wellness, I was REALLY looking forward to running outside. It's been a little overcast here, but I saw some folks I knew running yesterday afternoon, and it looked great.

     The Connecticut weather was destined to follow me down here (and it really has been cold down in Texas on several occasions this winter), and sure enough, crazy winds and freezing temperatures were planned over night and into this morning. When I woke up, I couldn't believe this, but I headed on down to the 24-hour gym to get my run in on a treadmill!

     Good try, my friend. This conference is packed with healthy, athletic OBGYNs, and by 5 AM, this gym was full. So, I thought, let me see if they have a running course outside. I mean after all, finally a chance to run outside! I stopped by the check in counter, and sure enough, they have a few courses. I thought that maybe I would put the 2.36 mile course and the 0.9 mile course together and have a nice run outside. The front desk staff thought that I was a little crazy, but I assured them that I was from Connecticut, and it's been a lot colder up there for the past several weeks.

     As I stepped out the front door of the hotel, I realized something. It was cold. I checked my weather app, which said 32oF. Now, freezing is freezing no matter where you are, but I had made it this far. And I'm from cold weather territory. They don't call it UCONN for nothing! I should get some kind of "points" for that, right?

     All in all, it was't the coldest thing that I have ever done. On the plus side, I have to give it to the JW Marriott folks, its a great running path away from the traffic and lighted the whole way. The hotel is up on a nice hill, and this made for a nice up-hill finish. The cold was cold, but the WIND is what did it. The hotel sits in a little area called Cibolo Canyon, and sure enough, the winds were howling through this canyon. The last 0.5 miles were running into the winds, and I think that my hands were saying, "really, frost bite, in San Antonio?!?"

     Several cars drove past me running in my T-shirt and shorts. I'm sure they had some interesting opinions on my decision. To add salt to the wound, just as I was making my final yards to the warm inviting hotel door, out came a young man heading out for a run. Only difference, he had the right clothes on. He must have checked the weather before packing for the trip. Smart!

      All in all a fun experience. I have a nice warm shower awaiting, and then off to the learning. I think that if I make plans for a run tomorrow, it's going to be in the afternoon! Ha, even this Running Obstetrician can learn from his mistakes. I did get outside..... !


Treadmill: The Breaking Point

Run: 5 miles at 6.0 miles per hour

Distance: 5.0 miles

Time: 50:03

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:   ★ .5

Gut:   ★ ★

Energy    ★ ★

Mind:    ★ 

Overall:    ★ ★

Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     Alright Mother Nature, we are going to have to have a talk. See it's March, and we are about to turn the clocks ahead next weekend. There is just something growing inside of all of us here in little Glastonbury, Connecticut, USA. Sort of like a little tomato seed tilled into the dirt of the garden last fall. We are beginning to realize that Spring is coming, and the little shells of our seeds are starting to shake, rumble and crack.

     I was just saying to my son yesterday morning, "You know Kyle, I think that we are all done with snow for the year." His replied, "Thank goodness, Daddy!" And then I turned on the news - more snow on it's way. I know that I live in New England, and I do love the winter, but heading out to the gym for a 5 mile treadmill run today at 10 degrees with a plan for 3 - 6 more inches of snow tonight - it's getting to be a bit much.

     The other thing is that I am starting to get super-psyched for some of these early Spring races. There are all sorts of St. Patty's day 5K's coming up over the next few weekends, and holy hell if they are gonna be in the middle of a snow storm - yikes! There is something OK about running in cold rain, sleet and a little snow in October and November, but by March, it's time for that warm sun to start shining on our beautiful, sweaty running faces, and to have the snow off the roads.

     So my message here after this nice 5 mile run on the treadmill is that I'm ready. I'm ready for 4AM hills and tempo runs on our back roads with my head lamp on. I'm ready for long hill runs going out 60 - 70 minutes on the weekends. I'm ready for some trail runs in our local small parks. And I'm ready to get registered for some 5K and half marathon road races, and get this season going! C'mon, Mother Nature, you have to like Spring too - it's time!

P.S. Everyone from Boston, sorry for complaining!


Run: 3 miles at 6.5 miles per hour

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 27:45

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:   ★ .5

Gut:   ★ .5

Energy    ★ ★

Mind:    ★ 

Overall:    ★ .5

Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     Yes folks, back at the treadmill this morning. And yet again, a perfect 27:45 for exactly 3 miles. I thought about kicking it up to 6.7 mph, but this was at 2.15 miles, and it just didn't seem rounded off. It's not so much that I want it to look clean for the blog post, I just seem to want to either do it for the whole mile or not. And, that's probably my type-A OCD personality, but it just feels right. I'm sure there is benefit out of running a little faster for 0.85 miles, rather than not at all. So maybe next time I'll click it up a few notches, even if it's not on the mile.

     So my wife is off to a conference for a few days. I'll see if I can get someone to watch the kids so that I can get in a distance run. It's been 2 weeks, and if I'm gonna do some of these spring half marathons, I need to start getting some distance in. Not that I'm too sad to not have to run 8 miles on the treadmill! We also have some really cold weather coming in, so hibernation sounds like a better game plan than getting out in the cold for running, but eventually it's got to happen!

     Run on my friends. I'll probably see you on the other side of this conference. In the meantime, I hope to have a new podcast or two for those of you who enjoy that part of the web site. Take care, take it easy and keep on running.


Run: 3 miles at 6.5 miles per hour

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 27:45

Performance Stats (out of 5 )



Energy    ★ ★

Mind:    ★ 


Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     So I woke up this morning to the snow plow coming back around again. I thought this was interesting because it seemed that he had gotten most of the snow off the road by late afternoon yesterday. My snowblower is mostly on the fritz, so I ended up shoveling my driveway twice, and getting it to work for another go around, especially around the mailbox. When I heard the scrape of the plow on my street at 4:30AM, I thought, "great more snow to have to shovel back off the end of the driveway."

     I knew that no way I was running outside with all this snow piled up everyone, so off again it was to the gym. The good news was, the gym would be open. I think that this snow and cold really is getting to everyone, because now they shut down everything for any amount of snow. I mean we did get about 8 - 10 inches over the past 2 days, but c'mon, no gym on the weekend is sad! When I got out of my car to shovel up the little pile the plow had pushed onto my driveway, I thought, "boy it's cold out here!" And sure enough, minus 9 degrees - yikes.

     It was beautifully clear, and a great crescent moon rising from the east. Unfortunately, I can think of no possible way to actually 'run' on these streets, and with the winds howling, the wind chill has to be even worse! So back to the gym, and my trusty treadmill for me. We've had some good blog posts over the weekend about the ups and downs of treadmill running, and we've be talking about this all winter. But this morning, I'm telling you, it's the only way to get in a decent run around here.

     The funny thing about dialing into a run like this, is that you get the exact same run. I ran this 3 miles in 27:45, exactly the same as my last 3 mile treadmill post. I do have to say, my right hamstring may feel a little different about it, but the rest is mostly the same. I'm sure there is something to say for consistency, but as a nice blogger put it on Google+ this past weekend, if you are going to run in road races, it's the variation in hill, pitch and terrain that helps you get to the finish line all the faster.

     So today we make due. Another 2-4 inches is predicted for tomorrow. I'm ready for some spring, but we are going to have to get through this chill first. For now, I'll be happy that my gym is open, the power to the treadmill is working, and I can keep up a decent little persistent pace.

Distance / Treadmill

Run: 6 miles at 6.0 miles per hour, with 0.5 miles at 6.5 miles per hour

Distance: 6.0 miles

Time: 59:37

Performance Stats (out of 5 )


Gut:   ★ ★

Energy    ★ 

Mind:    ★ 

Overall:     .5

Soundtrack: Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     Well after all of my love for the treadmill on my last post, 6 miles does get a little dull. I was able to lock in and just cruise, but 6 miles is probably my upper limit of distance. I may try for a little more next weekend, but I am hoping that we get some clearing of the roads, and maybe I can get outside. They are predicting another good sized storm, so we'll see about that.

     I came across an interesting dilemma the other day, which kept me thinking and motivated throughout the run today. The Hartford Marathon Foundation is putting up a challenge to run three half marathons in 2015. There is a new half marathon in Mystic, CT in May, and this is part of the promotion. The first will be in Middletown in early April. I ran the 4 mile run that was part of this inaugural event last year - it was nice. The third marathon is the Hartford Half Marathon in October - which is my baby.

     So, I'm not sure if I'm up for three half marathons this year, but I'm coming at this with a thought. Perhaps I train up during the Spring, but smart and slow. Then I can use the April and May half marathons as a nice slow weekend pace. This should get me into some good shape early on. I can then either keep up this distance and see if I can start working on my half marathon pace throughout the summer, or use this as a base for some fast paced 5K's this summer - which was my original plan.

     All in all, I like this idea. I thinks it's a nice little challenge, and I think that if I come at this with my smarter almost-forty-year-old brain, I should avoid injury. I'm still a little hesitant, but I'll let you all know what I decide. Ether way, I'm glad for the six miles under my belt, but I'm still pretty excited to get off the belt and back onto the roads for my next distance run!


Run: 3 miles at 6.5 miles per hour

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 27:45

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:   ★ 

Gut:   ★ ★

Energy    ★ ★

Mind:    ★  .5


Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     We sure did get a serious amount of snow with the latest snowstorm. There was about 15 to 16 inches of snow in my neighborhood. The snowplows had pushed most of the snow up onto the sides of the streets, and seriously there was nowhere possible to run, even if you wanted to. Throw in some below freezing temperatures and a good deal of ice, and back to the gym it was for a treadmill run for me.

     I did get a hilarious e-mail from one of the local running clubs, describing some pointers on running in the winter weather.  I will poke some fun here at their suggestions, but they did do a good job of saying 'run smart and head in if all else fails.' That said, get these comments:

1. Always run facing traffic, they will have a more difficult time seeing you. Yeah, and that's because no one expects to see a crazy person running on the roads when the breakdown lanes are all covering in plowed snow.

2. Wear reflective clothing, and always wear a light if you are running in the dark. Are you kidding me?! No way you should be running in the dark on these roads!

3. Run single-file when running in groups. Yeah, you better since everyone is running ON the road with the cars anyway.

4. Wear warm and protective clothing. I do agree with this, but I also agree that it is COLD out here! Can you say polar vortex?

     In all seriousness, I get that there are the die-hards who will run outside no matter what. And there are those who think that treadmill running isn't running, but c'mon. With all of the starts and stops, slipping on the ice, dodging cars and stopping traffic, I have to believe that you ACTUALLY get a better run on the treadmill when it's like this outside.

     So back in I was today. I actually had a nice run with a good pace. I'm going to hopefully get myself up to 7.0 miles per hour by the Spring time, and hit the streets with a good pace and a good base. Oh treadmill, you are a necessary evil, and I thank you for keeping me somewhat fit until the snow clears and the roads open back up.

APGO 5K Suds Run & Walk

Race: APGO 5K Suds Run & Walk

Date: January 11, 2015

Location: Palm Springs, CA

Official Time: 20:37

Official Lap: 7:38

Place: 5 / 68

Race Stats

Speed:  ★ ★  .5 (fast, fast, fast)

Hills:  .5 (not a one)

Crowd: ★ ★  (good showing for APGO, but not crowded)

Party:  ★ ★ ★ .5 (love the beer garden at the finish)

T-Shirt: ★ ★ ★ .5 (classic!)

     This year's AGPO 5K Suds Run & Walk lived up to all of the hype (well, my own hype for myself). Check out the page dedicated to the race for some great photos. I love this run, and we had a great showing of 68 registered runners and walkers this year. This is a record, and I think most of those registered ran, so that was probably a record itself.

     This race is great for two reasons. One, it's the first race of the new year for me. I usually fall off the wagon some time in November / December - after all of my fall races have finished up, and the tendonitis has settled in. This race is a little boost to get back on track, and a good litmus test for how the Spring races are going to start off. This year is looking pretty good!

     Second, this race really lets everyone attending the conference see you get all sweaty and breathless. Even the most important folks in the organization, and the most prestigious speakers end up like the rest of us at the finish line - a little redder in the face, out of breath and sweaty. It's a little easier to make introductions, and this lasts through the whole conference. I've made some good connections around this little race.

     Starting last year, APGO really turned it up a notch, and we have a wonderful beer garden at the end of the race. It's a perfect end to a great run, and gives you the opportunity to make some new friends - which I was able to do this year!

     The race course this year was nicely staffed and marked. The run was a simple out-and-back on flat roads making for a quick run. I spent some time going out chatting a little bit with some of the runners, and then made a break for it. My overall run was great, and my time was the best ever - that's when I realized that we ended up running a shorter course. Of course, everyone (including me!) was pretty excited to see that the final distance was more like 2.7 miles, rather than 3.1. This probably won't count towards any official race times for the year, but it was a lot of fun.

     Like always, I'll be looking forward to this run next year - Florida here we come. And from the looks of things, I think that this race season is going to start off pretty strong. Thanks APGO, and see you soon!


Run: 1 mile at 6.3 mph, then 2 miles at 6.5 mph for each mile

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 28:04

Performance Stats (out of 5 )


Gut:   ★ ★

Energy    ★ .5

Mind:    ★ .5

Overall:     .5

Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     What an interesting and odd little morning! I'm hoping that the rest of the day is a little more straightforward. Nothing major, but not my usual morning. Firsts things first, when the alarm clock went off at 4AM, my brain was like, "oh heck no!" I was up a little late last night recording and uploading one of my Podcasts to the website. So I made a quick attempt at sleeping in, when by good fortune my wife's cold and gentle snoring was enough to get me out of bed. I kind of get this guilty feeling every time I try to sleep in, so any little thing will keep me from falling back to sleep.

     So I made it out the door, where it is a chilly 15oF this AM - yikes! When I got to the gym, I noticed that something was off. I couldn't place it at first, but then I realized - no music. Now, I usually listen to my headphones while at the gym, but when I walk in and out, they are out of my ears. I really wasn't missing anything because I knew that I would have Pandora in my ears for the morning, but it just seemed odd. And then I hop up on to the treadmill, and low and behold, no TVs either. What's more - no WiFi. Basically an electronics meltdown at WOW! this morning, but the good news was that the cell service worked, as did the treadmills, and I still got in a great run.

     With about one mile left on the treadmill, in comes a pretty good sized dude wearing exactly the same outfit as me. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, black shorts and a red shirt are fairly common, but when he rolled right up next to me, we looked like kind-of-silly little twins. Probably nobody noticed, and it did seem that the early morning gym faithful were the only folks in the gym this morning, so no worries - whew!

     So I got the run in. The legs feel pretty good even after this weekend's longer run, and I'm super psyched that I didn't sleep in. They'll be time for that come the weekend - yeah long flight out to Cali!


Run: 6 miles of easy hilly distance

Distance: 6.3 miles

Time: 58:19

Performance Stats (out of 5 )


Gut:   ★ ★

Energy    ★ .5

Mind:     .5

Overall:     .5

Soundtrack: Godsmack, 1000hp, Good Times, Bad Times

     Whew momma, I just got this run in before the snow started falling! And it is totally coming down now. No doubt we'll have some accumulation by the end of this afternoon. There was a call for snow as of yesterday, and you could see in the sky that it was on it's way at some point. It's funny how impending snow is like impending rain, but a little less menacing. Kinda like running in the snow is a little better off than running in rain - at least for this R.O.B.

     All in all a good run. A bit chilly, but with the right gear, once I got started it was warm enough. It's interesting in that when I run I prefer to keep my hands in a loose fist, but usually with my thumbs out. For the first two miles, my thumbs were a little too cold in this position, and I had to tuck them into my fists. This was just awkward enough that I couldn't help but pay attention to it for the two miles. Then as my gloved hands got warmed up, it didn't matter as much where my thumbs were. All in all, a very weird small detail, but when you've got an hour alone with yourself, it's interesting what you end up paying attention to.

     So I'm happy to be back to 6 miles runs. Legs feel good - ankle still annoying, but no more so. I'm not entirely sure what kind of distance I'm looking at for 2015 races, but 6 - 8 miles on the weekends is going to be a good base for either 5K's or 10k's, whatever it may be. For now, I'm just happy to have gotten in one more road run before the flakes started to fall. I may be shoveling before the end of this day!

Distance - Happy New Year

Run: 30 minutes hilly distance with a 0.5 mile tempo run kick at the end

Distance: 3.6 miles

Time: 30:53

Performance Stats (out of 5 )


Gut:   ★ ★

Energy    ★ 

Mind:    ★ ★ .5


Soundtrack: Godsmack, 1000hp

     Happy New Year to the R.O.B. faithful! What a better way to ring in the new year than a little road run on a chilly and crisp New Year's Day afternoon. I usually don't like running in under freezing temperatures, but it was so bright and clear today that the 30oF mercury level was no problem for today's run outside.

     Most running blogs on New Year's day are probably going to want to get into New Year's resolutions. There are probably lots of us out there making plans for more distance, more training, more races - which is awesome. My actual New Year's resolution is to floss more, but I do hope for more racing this year than last. I wish all you runners out there the best of luck with your running resolutions.

     Since I was running my regular 3 mile hilly running loop today, I did have some time to reflect on the runs from 2014. This past year was a major one for my running, and I'm pretty psyched to be where I am today. I'm going into this new year probably 15 - 20 pounds lighter than last year, and despite my achy left ankle, in much better running condition. This is all due to this web site, a great runners guide and a lot of good hard work. With some smart training, and continued dedication, I think that 2015 should pan out to be even better.

     As I hit the down hill part of my run today, I started remembering some of the starlit morning runs with Venus popping up on the horizon, the beautiful fall vistas of downtown Hartford, and some of the close calls with the crazy drivers at the one major intersection on the run. I remember figuring out the time splits for some of the landmarks along the way on the three mile run. And most of all, I remembered how the time on this hill helped me to figure out a new career path, and get me to a job this upcoming year with so much opportunity. 

     All in all 2014 was a great running year for this Running Obstetrician. Like the year or two prior, it really was a half year of serious running. Since I am hitting 2015 with a good run, good pace and (fairly) healthy legs, I am thinking that 2015 will be even better. I guess my first goal will be to beat my 28:00 5K from last year at my conference coming up in 2 weeks. After that, I will look for some local 5K's. There is a half marathon around town in March, but we'll see about that! If you enjoy this blog, and enjoy the Races page, keep an eye out because there is going to be lots to come in 2015.

     Happy New Year everyone, and let's make this one to remember!


Run: 3 miles at 6.0 mph, 6.3 mph, 6.5 mph for each mile

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 28:50

Performance Stats (out of 5 )


Gut:   ★ ★

Energy    ★ .5

Mind:    ★ .5

Overall:     .5

Soundtrack: The Crystal Method Radio, Pandora

     It's good to be back! Man, my legs were some kind of good sore all day yesterday. It was a very nice reminder of my return to some outdoor road running from the day prior. I'm not sure if it was because I was out on the pavement, or if I just got back to a little bit more distance than I have been pulling on the treadmill, but I definitely got the sense yesterday that I had been on a legit run the day prior.

     This morning I was back on the treadmill. I actually was still a little stiff from yesterday, but wanted to give a good showing. I figured that this little jog would be a little bit more painful, but all the worth it to get to the other side. All bets were true. I did have a pretty good stitch in my right ribs for about a mile, which is a funny concept in and of itself. That is one little mystery of the human body that this doctor has yet to figure out. My guess is that there is something with hypoxia to the expanding rib cage, but it's just so inconsistent. I'll look it up, and let you all know if I figure this one out.

     But sitting here with my cup of coffee, I am sure glad that I pushed myself a little bit harder this morning. I expect to have most of my post-run stiffness out of my legs after todays 3 miles, and if I can get in one more good run this week, that's gonna be a trend, and I think that we are back on track. With winter upon us, I am sure that motivation will be tough, but this feels like the post-half marathon tendonitis (which really wasn't a problem this morning) and strep throat is behind us, and now it's back to business.

Distance - New Territory

Run: 40 minutes of easy distance, hilly.

Distance: 4.3 miles

Time: 41:57

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:   .5

Gut:   ★ ★


Mind:    ★ .5

Overall:     .5

Soundtrack: Chevelle, La Gargola

     During training I try to stick to the same few courses that I have picked out along the way. I end up knowing the distance, about how long each run should take me, as well as the terrain. This is all very helpful when either trying to push myself to go a little faster/farther, or if I just want to get in a nice steady pace for some known distance.

     Since I've been mostly running off/on a lot lately, I wouldn't call my past few weeks "training". However, I'm getting a pounce on the whole New Year thing, and am getting back after it. Also, we have had such unseasonably warm beautiful weather of late, that I had to get in a nice distance run on the streets. So with all of this, I decided to pick out a new route.

     This route is actually part of my hill course. I usually just double back down the hill as part of the hill training. But, if I keep on going there are several options for nice loops back to my start. I had (incorrectly) guesstimated the distance to be about 2 to 2.5 miles, and thought I would get in this loop, and then take my usual 3 mile loop to follow, making for a nice 5 mile run or so.

     The run was good, even with my left ankle bothering me here and there. The roads were a little wet, so coming down from the hill was a little tricky with the footing, but overall not too bad. Some of the curves were a little dicy, and probably on a busy traffic day I wouldn't pick this route; but this quiet Sunday morning ended up being just fine.

     As I made the last turn to the homestretch, I thought I would have a sip of water from my water bottle nicely stashed on top of the fire hydrant across the street from my house. I felt like maybe this distance wasn't quite 2 mile, so I wanted to check my GPS. Low and behold, 4.3 miles. Now certainly not any more distance than I was planning on running, but a little more than I thought from this route.

     After weighing another 3 miles at this point in my run, I decided to cap it at 4.3. I can see making it out to this loop again, but not as part of my regular training. It's not quite even distance, and the downhill and traffic are just enough to keep me off. I'm glad that I got the run in, as I have always wanted to check it out. I'll probably save it for exactly the type of day that I ran it - a lazy weekend day run with some good hills built in.


Run: 3 miles at 6.3 mph for 1.5 miles, then 6.5 mph for 1.5 miles

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 28:13

Performance Stats (out of 5 )


Gut:   ★ 

Energy:     .5

Mind:   ★  


Soundtrack: Pandora, The Crystal Method Radio 

     As the speed get faster and faster on the treadmill, it's always important to remember one thing - this doesn't necessarily translate to the same amount of speed or endurance on the road. This is probably intuitive, but for some reason, I am usually pretty surprised to find that even after  I start increasing my speed and distance on the treadmill, if i jump into an early 5K (like the one coming up in January), I find that my training seems not adequate at all, and my time for the 5K is much slower compared to the shorter races in the fall.

     The biggest problem actually is less training. I certainly make it out a lot more often when I'm running on the roads. Yesterday was actually a beautiful day out, but there was enough fresh snow on the ground that running around moving cars just wasn't going to be safe. So in I went again to the treadmill at the gym. This works on the motivated days, but I can tell you, on the not-so-motivated days, this just doesn't happen.

     The other part is that the training is different. There is a lot less change in terrain and incline. I also tend not to use my settings well, and don't build in the equivalent of intervals or hills. I know that you can do this with a few settings on the treadmill, but for the most part I'm like a crock-pot on this thing - set it and forget it!

     But you have to appreciate it for what it is. Three miles on the treadmill, especially with starting to pick up the pace is still three miles behind you - even though you didn't move far from your actual position! A run is a run for your legs and health, and each day is one day closer to Spring. With some good motivation this week, we'll try to keep up the early morning runs through the Christmas celebrations, and see how fit we can be for the new year!

Treadmill - Chicken or Egg

Run: 3 miles at 6.3 miles per hour

Distance: 3.0 miles

Time: 28:43

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs:   ★ 


Energy:     .5

Mind:    .5


Soundtrack: Pandora, The Crystal Method Radio 

     What comes first, the increased feeling of fitness to push yourself, or the increased feeling of fitness once you've pushed yourself? That was a little of what I was wondering in the locker-room this morning after today's run.

     OK, for starters, increasing my pace by :30 seconds per mile isn't so amazing, but I have just been in this running funk. It's a combo of strep throat / ankle sprain following the half marathon, but also the cold weather and no real race to look forward to....

     Except, that I do have a conference in under four weeks, we do have a little fund raiser 5K, and I'm starting to feel that race coming on. So this morning I'm back at the treadmill after losing last week to black ice and laziness, and here we go. I'm gonna turn this thing up one or two clicks. Well, it goes up three, and the start is pretty good. So I just keep doing it, and three miles later we are done.

     Not such an accomplishment, until I'm changing the running shoes to head back home. And... well, I feel just a little better about myself. At litter fast, a little more fit. I'm pretty pumped to get back on this thing in a day or two. Maybe I'll stick to this faster pace, maybe I'll increase it even further.

     So I'm not sure if I'm feeling this way BECAUSE I increased my pace this morning, or maybe I increased my pace BECAUSE I was feeling this way heading to the gym. Or maybe I'm feeling this race deadline, or maybe it's just time to get back at it. Either which way, I'm pretty excited to have that little treadmill run behind me, and I'm looking forward to another one this week.

Black Ice

     The weather report overnight called for rain, turning into snow, and then back again to rain by the morning. The chance of rain/snow around 3AM was up to about 90%, so you knew something was coming.

     I figured, "no big deal. I can get up and get down to the gym for some time on the good old treadmill." No point in trying to even think about running on the road. Too cold, too wet, and maybe some snow.

     I got up per my usual routine. I guess it's a little different in the winter and preparing for the gym - longer paints, no water bottle, watch is optional. Looking outside, all seemed pretty OK. Just a tiny little drizzle if anything, and certainly no snow. No wind to speak of, and with my coat on, it really wasn't too chilly as I jumped into the car, now parked in the garage.

     I got to the end of my road, and noticed something funny - no traffic. Now, there isn't a whole lot of traffic at 4:30 AM, but there is usually someone up the road in one direction or the other looking to follow me down to the gym. But this morning, no one. "Cool," I thought as I took off onto the main road with my usually acceleration.

     Then "bam!", the car starts to do a pretty good fish-tail spin, and I catch myself doing my usual winter driving maneuvers. I sort things out before they get bad, but realize that I am on black ice, and it's everywhere.

     I've done this before, so no biggie. I make my way down the road to find, two police cars just getting ready for the eventual car accident that is going to happen, and a lightly salted road. Unfortunately, something is also going on at the gym, as the lights are out, and no one is there. Maybe everyone else got the memo that we all were supposed to stay nestled in our bed this morning!

     So, no run today. But I was thinking I would walk out to the driveway just to see if a road run was possible, and certainly not. Just stepping onto the small decline in the driveway from the garage, I am immediately like a small plastic puck on an air hockey table. It's pure physics with no friction and no grip. I avoid the fall by keeping my movements small, but wow! this stuff is crazy.

     Gotta draw the line somewhere, and so here I am drinking a nice cup of coffee and writing away, rather than running out on this crazy morning. Some days you just need to know when to hold 'em, and know when to fold 'em. This morning, I'm turning my cards in!