Warm Winter


Run: 10K loop at moderate pace

Distance: 6.2 miles

Time: 56:12

Performance Stats (out of 5 )

Legs: ★ ★ ★ 


Energy  ★ ★ ★ .5

Mind:    ★ .5

Overall:  ★ ★ ★ .5

Soundtrack: Disturbed, Indestructible

     Happy New Year, running fans! 2016 is here, and it's time to talk resolutions. This is probably too much info, but my 2015 resolution was to floss more, and I did a great job of that. Cleanest teeth ever! For this year I have several resolutions, but one is to be much better about blogging after my runs. I was great about this in 2014, but the work-life balance of 2015 kept me running, but blogging about it a little less often. This is the year!

     One of the reasons that this is going to be easy is that I am coming into this year feeling great! If you recall, this time last year I was JUST getting back into running after an annoying left ankle tendonitis from the Hartford Half Marathon the fall prior. This year I ran maybe 5 or 6 minutes slower, but felt great after the race, and have been able to run steadily ever since. For the first time in a long time my ankles, knees and hamstrings are all good!

     Another big win has been the crazy warm weather that we have had in Connecticut this winter. I ran this same run last week after Christmas and it was 70 degrees outside. Seriously, shorts and tee shirt, on the road, the week of Christmas - crazy. But this has kept me off the treadmill and on the roads, and I am starting off this in the best condition in a long time.

     So big plans for this year: I'm looking to run 3 or 4 or maybe even 5 half marathons, rather than just the Hartford Half in October. We have one coming up in April, and I think that I will be able to get up to the distance for it. After that it may end up being determined by the night call schedule at the hospital, but my legs feel up to the challenge. On the speed end, I'd love to see this year be the year of the 23:30 5K. We've got a bunch of those coming up, and with my kiddos starting to like these races, I think we will be out there on the weekends more. And last resolution - more running with the kids. Weekends, evenings, races, whatever. It's just great to see them getting into it!

     Today's run was stellar, and it's got me very motivated. Great weather, great pace, and just feels like the whole year is ahead of me. I hope everyone is having a similar start to 2016. See you for the next run.